
Ear shape and size can be identified guess life disease

Medical experts say look at how!
Ear is a microcosm of the human body, changes in almost all organs can be shown from the ear, which is most closely related kidney.


Physical shape of the ear to know:

Big thick ears: people always say, "big ears blessed," Heavy ears who is kidney adequate performance;

Thin and small ears: the ears were thin and small, mostly kidney deficiency.

"Fat ears": the ears large, soft, less meat and more bone, ear full, indicating that the nutritional status of the inherent good of people;

"Thin ears": The ears are small, rigid, less bone and more meat, thin ear lobe, on behalf of this man's body is inherently deficient.


Distinguishing exterior ear disease:
Ears pale white: more common in cold cold, who also found less than yang;


Ear redness: more is "lit" the performance of the common bile Huo or damp;


There is a significant slash lobe pattern: Description of the Heart Qi; tinnitus and deafness are all that kidney weakness.


Ear locally nodular or cord-like uplift, point-like depression, and no shiny people: more suggestive of chronic organic diseases, such as cirrhosis, cancer and so on.


Filling the ears of local blood vessels too, the expansion, we can see a circle shape, like other changes in Article section: common in people determined to pulmonary dysfunction, such as coronary heart disease, asthma.


Ear relationship between size and life span:
Folk has always been blessed, and the big ears as a symbol of longevity. Modern medical observation showed that the large ears and long life does have a certain relationship.

256 medical workers to 60 to 90 years old and 344 90 ~ 104-year-old long-lived people were determined, the results showed: the average longevity of the elderly group of ear length 7.13 cm for male and female 6.89 cm; 60 to 69 years the elderly group average ear length 6.93 cm for male and female 6.50 cm.


Obviously, the average longevity for the elderly group was significantly longer than older ears group, middle group of long-lived people in the longest length of 8.8 cm. Therefore, some experts believe that long and large ear is one of the characteristics of the elderly live longer.

Congress and the ears are often linked to long life, can be explained in two ways.

First, large ears are healthy kidney. Ancients believed that kidney opens into the ear, so large ears are signs of kidney health, kidney is life long enough, so the desire to live long healthy, and kidney is very important.

Second, the life of the elderly ears look big. Modern studies suggest that human and other mammals, although adult body and internal organs to stop the growth and development, but the ears are the only exception, it continues to grow a lifetime, an average of every 10 older 1.4 and 2.2 mm. Although its growth rate is very obvious, but it is growing, and this is the body's organs have a certain relationship. The length of the ear longer and longer with age, so older than the ears of young people really want big. From this point of view, longevity is not the big ears, long before life, but life long before the ears grow large.

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