
Likely to drink instant coffee is likely to affect fertility

20-year-old young people may not have had "when he will be the baby," the idea. But recently, the United States, "Health" magazine published an article that no matter how young, should start from the age of 20, "maintenance" their fertility. Particular attention to proper diet and avoid toxic and harmful substances in the environment.

Large new study found that many food and beverage rigid plastic packaging containing Bisphenol A, can reduce cell division within the female uterus, thus preventing embryo attached to the uterine wall. For safety reasons, the best use of microwave food containers made of polycarbonate, eating canned food. In addition, some foods contain trans fatty acids, is harmful to both men and women.

Now young men and women are very fond of instant coffee and tea, it is not a good thing. They contain a lot of cream, which is a trans-fatty acids, will reduce the male hormone secretion, inhibit sperm motility; also affect egg quality, infertility and increased risk of fetal malformations. Trans fatty acids affect hormone synthesis, which may lead to irregular menstruation, sexual dysfunction and so on.

New York University Fertility Research Center Geleifoou accept the "Health" magazine interview that will greatly reduce sexually transmitted diseases, women's chances of pregnancy, abstinence and condom use and a suitable means are necessary.

Although there is no "secret pregnancy," one said, but good eating habits can make hormone levels remained stable. Geleifoou suggest that people should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, with whole grains instead of refined carbohydrates, insulin levels to prevent the rapid increase in the inhibition of ovulation.

Either too thin or overweight, will reduce the level of female hormones and inhibit ovulation. Obese men also encounter sperm quantity and quality is not high, it is important to maintain a healthy body. Men also want, tight pants. Women to quit smoking, to prevent egg loss is accelerated.

