
Lean body weight for 10 minutes trick

The mixture of dynamic movement jump, squat, twist, etc. can increase the heart rate movements, allow you all the strength training in a short time. Effect? Of course, is the body beautiful curve. Same time, it is quite difficult to set the action, ready to come to accept the challenge!

To achieve the best results, prepare to do the following:

1, using a 2.5 to 5 pounds heavier medicine ball fitness.

2, with a 3-5 lbs dumbbells instead of fitness can practice ball.

3, twice a week to do this action.

Value actions: squat jump training focus areas: the leg muscle, quadriceps, gluteus maximus and the shoulder coach tips: With the increase in training intensity, can gradually adopt a higher degree of difficulty of the squatting posture .

A. holding a medicine ball with both hands, bend the legs into a squatting motion ballet, arms down at your front knee slightly bent. The distance between your feet should be wider than the distance between the shoulders a little, stretch your toes out slightly, keep your back straight.

B. to keep shoulders and hips in a straight line just above (do not lean forward or roll), abdominal and hip muscles in contraction, while jumping, legs close together. At the same time, raised his arms over the ball to the head Hing.

At this time, you should feel the central abdominal muscles are stretched. Hold the position, and then back to the beginning of action. Repeat 12 times, gradually strengthening to repeat 24 times.

Value Action two: focus on abdominal exercises lifting parts: A. the left hand holding a practice abdominal ball, feet shoulder width longer than the width of the distance a little bit of standing, toes pointing slightly outside. Straight left arm, careful not to bend the elbow.

B. eye on the ball, knees slightly bent, then bend the body forward until his right hand touching the ground. Should continue to prop the ball up the left arm extended, so that better stretch the abdomen. Maintaining eye on the ball, long term resident of abdominal muscles, slowly return to the starting action. Repeat 8 to 10 times, then change to the side of the body do.

Value Action three: focus on exercise ball sideways Hing parts: chest, shoulder and arm coaching tips: arms move the ball hard, so the ball's inertia to boost the body's movements, so that abdominal muscles involved in the action, Twist care not to lean forward.
A. Your feet shoulder width distance to stand, knees slightly bent, right leg, a little place on the front than the left leg. Hold the ball with both hands on the body on the left rib.

B. to maintain line of sight forward, lift the medicine ball into the top right of the body, then your left shoulder should be almost balanced with the ground and the ball should be in solid chin height.

Power held the ball with your left foot will lead to a slight lift, twist your body when you will feel your abdominal muscles are harder. Hold this position and then back to the beginning of action. Gain 15 to 20 times, and then do one side of the body.

