眼睛告诉你的6个密码 6 eyes tell you the password
黑眼圈:一早起来,发现眼睛四周黯沉、眼圈发黑? Black eye: up early, found around the eyes dull, black eye socket? 小心了! Watch out! 这可能是血液中沉积太多废物的缘故。 This may be too much waste deposited in the blood's sake. 下眼睑皮肤比其他部位薄,最容易反映血液颜色。 Than in other parts of the lower eyelid skin is thin, most likely reflecting the color of blood. 想想最近有没有感到压力过大或过度疲劳? Think about the pressure recently did not feel too big or too tired? 支配泌尿和生殖器官的肾功能失调,也会让眼周变黯沉。 Disposable urinary and reproductive organs of renal dysfunction, but also let the eye become muddy. 澳大利亚医学专家说,少熬夜、多吃全麦食品是消除黑眼圈的最好办法! Australian Medical experts say, less staying up late, eat more whole grains is the best way to eliminate dark circles!
眼皮浮肿:即使睡前没喝多少水,早上起来眼皮仍肿得厉害? Eyelid edema: Even before going to bed did not drink much water, the morning was still badly swollen eyelids? 你可能体液失调了! You may humoral imbalance it! 造成水分代谢失调的原因很多,如果除眼皮浮肿,还感到下身无力、口干舌燥,可能是你的肾在“捣鬼”。 Water metabolism disorders caused by many reasons, if in addition eyelid edema, lower body still feels weak, thirsty, your kidneys may be in the "mischief." 健康的肾能将体内多余水分顺利排出,水分不足时,它会放慢代谢速度,把水分囤积在体内,因而造成轻度浮肿。 Healthy kidney can smooth body of excess water discharge, water shortage, it will slow down the metabolic rate, the water accumulation in the body, resulting in mild edema. 别着急,赶快喝上几大杯水,很快就能恢复一双电眼! Do not worry, drink several glasses of water up, and soon will be able to recover a pair of electric eyes!
脂肪颗粒:美容师常常建议用某种不含油分的眼霜,对付眼睛下面的脂肪颗粒。 Fat particles: beauticians often recommended to use a non-oily cream points, to deal with the fat particles under the eyes. 但医学专家则认为,脂肪颗粒是体内胆固醇过高的警讯。 But medical experts believe that fat particles are a warning sign of high cholesterol. 从食谱中删去油炸食品和动物内脏,多吃新鲜蔬果,恼人小颗粒很快就会不见! Deleted from the recipe fried foods and animal offal, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, annoying small particles will soon disappear!
红血丝:眼睛明显充血,可能是血液循环不畅导致。 Red blood: eyes clear congestion, may lead to poor blood circulation. 别忙着滴眼药水,活动一下头、颈、肩部,疏通上肢血流,再好好睡一觉,让眼睛得到充分休息,可以在后颈部和肩部涂一些维生素C乳液,维生素C有助疏导血液循环,红血丝很快就能减少。 Not trouble yourself to eye drops, activities the head, neck, shoulders, and clear the upper limb blood flow, and then a good sleep, get enough rest your eyes, neck and shoulders can be painted in some vitamin C lotion, vitamin C has to help ease the blood circulation, red blood can be reduced quickly.
针眼:别把长针眼不当回事! Eye of the Needle: Do not long needle for granted! 日本医学专家发现,长针眼表明你的免疫力正在衰退,细菌容易从睫毛根部进入眼中,引起发炎。 Japanese medical experts found that a long needle that your immune system is in recession, bacteria easily enter the eyes from lash roots, causing inflammation. 如果反复长针眼,最好去医院做一次全面的健康检查。 If repeated a long needle, it is best to go to hospital for a comprehensive health examination. 常喝补中益气汤,提高自身免疫力,才能和针眼彻底“分手”。 Drunk Decoction, to improve their immunity, and the eye of a needle can be completely "break."
眼白泛黄:如果眼白颜色不太清澈,可能是肝、胆出了问题。 Yellow whites of the eyes: the color is not clear if the whites of the eyes, possibly the liver, gall bladder out of the question. 胆汁是黄绿色液体,它从肝脏细胞分泌出来后,贮藏在胆囊中,当胆囊或肝脏失调时,胆汁会流向血液,让眼白泛黄。 Bile is a yellow-green liquid, it is secreted from the liver cells after storage in the gallbladder, when the gallbladder or liver disorders, the bile will flow to the blood, so that whites yellowed. 好在胆汁能分解体内多余脂肪,有了充分胆汁,短期内不用再为体重发愁! Fortunately bile to break down excess body fat, with full of bile in the short term no longer need to worry about weight!
嘴巴告诉你的6个密码 6 of mouth to tell you the password
嘴唇过白:嘴唇和下眼睑一样,属于黏膜,表皮很薄,因此能完全反映血液颜色,这就是嘴唇呈红色的原因。 Had white lips: lips and lower eyelids, as is mucosal, skin very thin, so they can fully reflect the color of blood, and this is the reason red lips. 如果你的唇色变浅,可能是血红细胞不足,建议改变食谱,多吃动物肝脏和豆腐,从而减轻贫血症状。 If your lip color lighter, less red blood cells may be recommended to change diet, eat liver and tofu, so as to reduce symptoms of anemia.
嘴唇过红:唇红齿白也要有个限度! Lips too red: Chunhongchibai should also have a limit! 如果你的双唇过于鲜红,先别忙着欢呼,可能是你正被红色代表的“热症”困扰。 If your lips are too red, but not to cheer, but probably you are being red for the "fever" problems. 中医将热症分为“实热”和“虚热”,“虚热”是由体内水分减少引起的。 Fever medicine will be divided into "real hot" and "Xure", "Xure" is caused by the reduction of body water. 当体温上升,身体调节功能减弱,两颊和唇、舌才会局部变红。 When the temperature increases, reduced regulatory function of the body, cheeks and lips, tongue, will the local red. 多吃新鲜水果、喝大量的水,能帮助你化解体内过剩热量,让唇色恢复正常。 Eat more fresh fruit, drink plenty of water, can help you resolve the body of excess heat, so lip color back to normal.
嘴角破裂:如果你感觉嘴角刺痛,甚至红肿破裂,很可能是早期胃炎的预警。 Broken mouth: If you feel tingling in the mouth, swelling and even rupture, it may be early warning gastritis. 当胃壁黏膜处于疲劳状态时,会引发内热,导致嘴角红肿。 When the gastric mucosa in a fatigue state, will lead to heat, causing mouth irritation. 不要怕,80%的早期胃炎都能被治愈。 Do not be afraid, 80% of the early gastritis can be cured. 建议吃饭时多咀嚼几下,给胃一点时间,充分吸收和消化食物。 Proposed meal to chew a few more to give the stomach a little time to fully absorb and digest food. 胃壁温度降低后,嘴角红肿很快就会消失。 Stomach temperature drops, the mouth swelling and will soon disappear.
嘴唇干涩:嘴唇虽是黏膜,但与皮肤最大的不同是没有汗腺。 Dry lips: lips, although the mucosa, but the biggest difference is that the skin does not sweat. 想让嘴唇分泌汗液并调节体温,绝对是“不可能完成的任务”。 Want to sweat and regulate body temperature and the secretion of the lips is definitely "mission impossible." 嘴唇还无法分泌油脂、保存水分,需要来自口腔的黏液滋润,黏液不足时,嘴唇容易变干,抵抗力也会随之减弱,细菌和病毒正好借机入侵。 Lips can not secrete oil, save water, need moisture from the mouth of mucus, mucus is low, easy to dry lips, decreased resistance will follow, just take the opportunity to invasion of bacteria and viruses. 除了多喝水保持口腔黏液充足外,建议多用淡盐水漱口,因为盐分是促进口腔黏液生成的一大动力。 In addition to drink plenty of water to maintain adequate oral mucus, the proposed multi-purpose light salt water gargle, because the salt is to promote the oral mucous build a major power.
“口气”大:对着镜子大呼一口气,如果闻到重重的“口气”,可要注意了! "Tone" Big: breath screaming at the mirror, if the heavy smell of "tone", you had better pay attention! 六成以上“口气”由牙齿疾病引起。 Liucheng more "tone" caused by dental disease. 当细菌侵入牙根与牙龈间的缝隙,繁殖后将引发牙龈炎,生出讨厌的“口气”。 When the bacteria invade the root and the gap between the gums and reproduction will lead to gingivitis, give birth to hate the "tone." 另外,如果口腔清洁不彻底,食物残渣形成的齿垢,也将让你呼出难闻的气味。 In addition, if oral hygiene is not complete, the formation of tartar food debris, but also will allow you to breath odor. 建议彻底洗一次牙。 Recommended a thorough wash teeth.
流口水:早晨醒来后,嘴角是不是总挂着口水? Drooling: wake up, the mouth is not always hanging saliva? 流口水是由唾液分泌过多引起,可能是你的胃肠功能虚弱,无法充分吸收水分,造成水分滞留,唾液被稀释,因而才流到嘴边。 Drooling caused by excessive secretion of saliva, gastrointestinal function may be your weakness, can not fully absorb the water, causing water retention, saliva diluted, which thus flow to the mouth. 如果你还感到肠鸣、胃鸣,最好去看消化科医生。 If you still feel the bowel, stomach-ming, it is best to see a doctor Gastroenterology.
舌头告诉你的6个密码 6 tongues to tell you the password
舌头振颤:对着镜子吐舌头,如果舌头微微颤动,很可能是精神紧张、体力衰退的征兆。 Flutter tongue: tongue mirror, if quivering tongue, is likely to be mental stress, physical symptoms of depression. 日本医学专家在一项调查研究中发现,七成以上的人都不会在振颤初期意识到,等发现的时候,往往已经晚了。 Japanese medical experts in a study found that people over Qicheng not initially aware of the tremor, so that it is often too late. 建议你尽快调整作息时间,不要熬夜,合理饮食,否则很快会面临神经衰弱的危险! I suggest you adjust the schedule as soon as possible, do not stay up all night, proper diet, or soon will face the risk of neurasthenia!
舌头发紫:当血液中含有大量废物、体内水分供应不足时,缺氧血和含氧血就会混在一起,使得血管变成紫色。 Purple tongue: When the blood contains large amounts of waste, the body of water supply, the oxygen blood and oxygenated blood will be mixed together, making the blood vessels become purple. 如果除了舌头发紫,你还会感觉肩膀僵硬和腰痛,只能说明你体内的毒素已经沉积太多! If in addition the tongue purple, you will feel shoulder stiffness and back pain, can only show you the body of toxins have been deposited too much! 不妨坚持一周清淡饮食,做做桑拿,保持规律、轻度的有氧运动,毒素很快就能排出。 May wish to take a week and light diet, take a sauna, maintain regular, light aerobic exercise, toxins discharged soon.
舌苔太厚:舌头上的舌苔就像豆腐渣一样很容易被刮去,可能是肠胃功能不良或饮食过量。 Thick tongue: the tongue of the tongue as easily as tofu, scrape off the residue may be gastrointestinal dysfunction, or eating too much. 如果这样的舌苔一直都有,最好去消化科,让医生帮你降降胃火。 If you have always been such a tongue, it is best to Gastroenterology, allow doctors to help you fall down stomach fire.
舌苔太薄:舌苔不明不白脱落,舌头表面颜色班驳不均,医学上将这称为“地图舌”。 Thin tongue: tongue dubious off, the color mottled uneven surface of the tongue, this medicine is called "Map of the tongue." 韩国医学家专家指出,过敏体质的人最容易出现这种情况,尤其在春、秋两季比较常见。 South Korean physician experts, allergies most prone to this situation, especially in spring and autumn are more common. “地图舌”的出现预示你的抵抗力正在下降,建议你在这段时间内远离花粉、海鲜、小昆虫等过敏源,以免“中招”。 "Tongue map" indicates the emergence of resistance you are falling, I suggest you stay away from pollen during this period, seafood, small insects and other allergens, so "caught."
舌苔泛黄:舌苔泛黄很可能是感冒病毒入侵的信号! Yellow tongue: tongue yellowing virus is likely to signal a cold! 一定要注意保暖,多吃南瓜、牛肉等温热食物,晚上临睡前冲杯热牛奶,它能在胃中形成一层蛋白膜,防止细菌入侵。 Be sure to keep warm, eat pumpkin, beef and other hot food, a cup of hot milk before going to sleep at night, it can form a protein film in the stomach, to prevent bacterial invasion.
舌苔泛黑:舌苔隐隐发黑,很可能是体温升高的缘故! Pan-black tongue: tongue faint black, is likely to cause elevated body temperature! 体温升高不见得就是发烧,剧烈运动、怒火中烧都能让舌苔泛黑。 Body temperature is not necessarily a fever, strenuous exercise, can make fur angry black pan. 洗个热水澡,做些舒缓运动,就能有效降低体温。 A hot bath, do some soothing exercise, can effectively reduce the body temperature.
鼻子告诉你的6个密码 6 of the nose to tell you the password
鼻子大小:鼻子大小与呼吸状况大有关系! Nose size: the size of the nose and respiratory status of a great relationship! 鼻翼较宽、鼻梁高挺,说明你的呼吸器官发达,生理构造良好,能呼吸到足量空气;但在污染严重的地方,你也会吸入过多废气。 Wide nose, nose aquiline, that your well-developed respiratory organs, physiological structure well enough to breathe the air; but in polluted areas, you will be inhaling too much smoke. 如果鼻翼娇小,表明你的呼吸功能较弱,不透风的地方会让你气短、胸闷。 If the nose small and that your breathing function is weak, do not take the air of the place makes you short of breath, chest tightness. 在办公室待1-2小时,就应该去楼道或窗边呼吸5分钟新鲜空气,以防突然缺氧。 To be 1-2 hours in the office, they should go to the corridor or the window for 5 minutes breathing fresh air, to prevent the sudden lack of oxygen.
鼻翼煽动:正常呼吸时鼻翼煽动,可能是肺活量太低造成的! Nose incitement: normal nose breathing incitement, it may be too low vital capacity caused! 不要掉以轻心,肺活量过低将影响你的正常代谢功能。 Do not take it lightly, vital capacity is too low will affect your normal metabolic functions. 每天练习5分钟腹式呼吸——吸气时涨起肚皮,呼气时缩紧肚皮,很快你的肺活量就能提高不少! 5 minutes a day to practice abdominal breathing - breathing from the belly up when, while tightening the belly breath, and soon you will be able to raise a lot of lung capacity!
鼻头粉刺:鼻头上出现粉刺,多半是消化系统出了问题。 Nose acne: acne appears on the nose, most of the digestive system out of the question. 多吃香蕉、红薯之类的食品,保持消化道通畅,就能避免消化不良。 More bananas, sweet potatoes and the like of food, to keep the digestive tract smooth, able to avoid indigestion.
鼻头发红:鼻尖突然发红? Red nose: nose suddenly red? 你的肝脏超负荷了! Overload the liver you! 饮酒过量时,身体为了分解酒精,把血液滞留在肝脏里,因而导致血管扩张,才让你有了红红的鼻头,因此控制饮酒量非常重要。 Excessive drinking, the body to break down alcohol, the blood remaining in the liver, resulting in vasodilation, will let you have a red nose, so control alcohol consumption is very important.
有时流鼻血:肠胃衰弱的人无法吸收充足营养,肌肉和血管组织都很脆弱,稍微碰撞就容易破裂。 Sometimes nosebleeds: weak stomach who can not absorb adequate nutrition, muscle and vascular tissue is very fragile and easily broken little impact. 冬天能量消耗大,如果饮食不调,体内热量供应不足,就会导致偶尔流鼻血。 Winter energy consumption, if the diet is not stressed, the body heat supply, can cause occasional nosebleeds.
鼻塞:鼻子不通气会让大脑活动变得迟钝。 Stuffy nose: nose briefing to become slow brain activity. 如果是过敏性鼻炎引起的鼻塞,除了可能造成呼吸困难外,还会让大脑供氧不足。 If it is caused by allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion, in addition may cause breathing difficulties, but also to lack of oxygen to the brain. 鼻塞预示着你呼吸道黏膜功能脆弱,日本医学专家认为,这多半与肠胃功能不佳有关系,别光顾着通畅“鼻子问题”,保养肠道也一样重要! Nasal respiratory mucosa function indicates that you are weak, Japanese medical experts believe that it probably has a relationship with gastrointestinal dysfunction, do not patronize a clear "nose problem" is also important for maintenance of gut!
脸颊告诉你的6个密码 6 cheek to tell you the password
脸颊发红:不知什么时候起,脸颊爬上两团莫名其妙的“高原红”,这可能是西医所说的“原因不明的微热”,主要原因是体力过度消耗、身体水分失调。 Red cheeks: I do not know when, face up the two groups inexplicable "Gaoyuanhong" Western medicine which may be called "micro-unexplained fever", mainly due to the excessive consumption of physical strength, body of water imbalance. 如果你除了两颊发红,还会过量出汗、经常气喘,那可能是由于高热引发的血流障碍。 If you are in addition to red cheeks, but also excessive sweating, frequent wheezing, it may be due to high fever caused by blood disorders. 洗个舒服的热水澡,吃两片退烧药,再美美得睡一觉,很快就能得到缓解,让脸色恢复正常。 Wash a comfortable hot bath, eating two pieces of anti-fever medicine, then the United States the United States was sleep, and soon will get relief, so that his face back to normal.
脸颊苍白:贫血体现为嘴唇、眼睑内侧和脸颊苍白,这是血液中负责氧气输送的血红素供应不足引起的。 Cheeks pale: anemia reflected lips, eyelids and cheeks pale inside, which is responsible for the blood's hemoglobin oxygen delivery caused by insufficient supply. 另外,呼吸微弱会让皮肤机能衰退,制造黑色素的功能降低,也容易导致脸颊苍白。 In addition, the respiratory function of the skin will slightly decline, manufacturing capability reduces melanin, also easily lead to pale cheeks. 除了补充营养,建议你多做慢跑、散步、游泳等有氧运动,这样才能确保氧分供应充足。 In addition to nutritional supplements, I suggest you do more jogging, walking, swimming, aerobic exercise, so as to ensure an adequate supply of Oxygen.
颧骨上的皱纹:突然发现颧骨处的皮肤上多了几道细纹? Wrinkles on the cheekbone: suddenly found on the skin at the zygomatic more than a few fine lines channel? 可能是肝脏功能异常所致。 May be due to liver dysfunction. 如果肝功能无法净化血液或供给血液足够氧分,会让血液变浑浊,血液循环发生异常,体内新陈代谢速率降低,皮肤敏感性增高,从而导致小皱纹出现。 If the liver function is not sufficient to purify the blood or the blood supply of Oxygen, the blood will become cloudy, abnormal blood circulation, body metabolism rate decreases, skin hypersensitivity, resulting in small wrinkles appear. 德国健康专家指出,除了咨询医生、提高肝功能代谢水平外,还应避免日晒,因为颧骨处的皮肤较薄,紫外线也能带来伤害。 German health experts point out that, in addition to consulting a doctor, improve liver function and metabolism, we must also avoid the sun, because the cheekbone of the skin is thinner, ultraviolet radiation can cause harm.
脸颊两侧长粉刺:荷尔蒙分泌失调会在额头、下巴长粉刺。 Cheeks on both sides of acne: hormonal imbalance in the forehead, chin acne. 如果脸颊两侧长粉刺,首先要考虑是不是清洁不彻底的缘故。 If the cheeks on both sides of acne, first thing to consider is the reason cleaning is not complete. 除此之外,还可能是心情急躁、生活焦虑、工作压力过大所致。 In addition, it may feel irritable, anxious life, due to work pressure. 不妨来趟自助游,给身体也给心情放个假! Let's take a trip Walks, the body has to feel a vacation!
脸颊毛孔粗大:随着年龄增长,身体皮脂分泌会逐渐减少,皮肤的保湿能力也开始下降,如果这时身体缺乏某种特定维生素,毛孔就会粗大。 Cheek pores: With age, the body will gradually reduce sebum secretion, skin moisturizing ability began to decline, if this was the lack of a specific vitamin the body, the pores will be thick. 最好的解决办法是摄取足量维生素C,其中所含的胶原蛋白能提高肌肤保湿力,让肌肤显得有弹性,毛孔也会随之缩小。 The best solution is adequate intake of vitamin C, which can increase collagen contained in the skin moisturizing, skin appears to have flexibility also shrinks pores. 富含维生素C的食物有苹果、芹菜、香蕉和猕猴桃等。 Foods rich in vitamin C, apples, celery, bananas and kiwi.
脸颊发黑:如果你发现脸色发黑,就得考虑是不是肾脏的毛病。 Cheeks black: If you find black face, you have to consider whether or not a kidney disease. 肾脏具有过滤的功能,能调节体内水分的代谢水平。 Filtering kidneys function, can regulate the metabolism of the body of water. 如果不幸,你的肾脏过滤功能降低,就会使废物长期堆积在体内,使皮肤呈现为黯黑色。 If, unfortunately, your kidneys filter reduced, it will cause long-term accumulation of waste in the body, making the skin appear as dark black. 一开始的表现是在皮肤较薄的地方出现色素沉淀,慢慢地会向四周扩散。 The beginning of the performance is there a place in the skin pigmentation thin, and slowly spread to the surrounding. 建议你尝试一下韩国流行的三日蔬果排毒法:每天喝大量的水,吃新鲜蔬果,避免肉食,你体内沉积的废物很快就能排出。 I suggest you try the popular three-day fruits and vegetables Korea detoxification method: drink plenty of water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid meat, your body will soon be able to discharge the waste deposited.