New research concludes that the fingers can indeed imply a person's health, fertility, marriage prospects and even heart disease, the probability of breast cancer and other diseases. Another person's athletic ability, aggression, autism, also with the length of the index finger and ring finger are linked.
When the embryo grew to about 5 weeks, the hand had already seen, but very small, like fins in general. In the subsequent development, the fingers slowly began to grow webbed between the fingers gradually degraded. To 11 weeks when the hand joints, muscles and even fingernails have been fully developed. All the features have been available. A 20-week-old baby, in mother's belly has to be with his young fingers tickling the ears.
Researchers study reveals that the ring finger longer than index fingers, the more likely to receive higher education. Finger growth and brain development are occurring in the same period, and are related to the level of sex hormones in utero. Therefore, women are often the ring finger and index finger as long or less, men are often longer than the index finger, ring finger, and left-handed ring finger is usually higher than the index finger to grow a lot.
University of Alberta, Canada, researchers also found that the ratio between the index and ring fingers were also linked to other personality and disease.
Measure your ring finger and index finger, to see their own personality and health bar.
The index finger relative to ring finger length
• Women have higher fertility, more humble, more sensitive, relatively easy to develop breast cancer, do not love to take risks;
* Male fertility is weak, verbal ability, attack weak, poor sense of direction.
Ring finger index finger length relative
* Female fertility is relatively weak, over-confident, relatively not susceptible to breast cancer, loved to take risks;
* Male reproductive ability, verbal ability is weak, attack power, good at math, more likely to develop autism.