1 sushi
Risk factors:
The biggest problem is the sushi parasite flatworms and roundworms, such as raw fish parasites. Although raw fish can not guarantee security, but dipping sauce or mustard green sauce may play a minor role in the sterilization.
The solution:
Fish at least in the high temperature of 145 degrees cook for 1 minute, can kill any parasites in fish. However, it is not sushi. The only fish but also to ensure that students do not carry the parasite is eating sushi made with frozen fish. U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended in a temperature of 31 degrees below zero frozen fish at least 15 hours to kill parasites.
2 eggs
Risk factors:
Infectious agent is inside the egg, the only way to eradicate bacteria is to cook eggs.
The solution:
Do not eat raw eggs and undercooked eggs. Solidification of the egg yolk is not potentially dangerous. For security, you'd better eat some boiled eggs or egg-shaped solid. High temperature will kill any bacteria that may exist, you can rest assured to eat boiled eggs or fried eggs on both sides.
3, ground beef
Risk factors:
Eating raw or partially cooked beef, beef is not conducive to health. Beef may carry salmonella or E. coli. More dangerous than beef steak, because it is more likely to use the hand, the mountain of meat, the greater its surface, to hide more bacteria.
The solution:
The only guarantee is to buy those sterile after sterilization of beef.
4, packaged green vegetables
Risk factors:
Including lettuce and leafy green vegetables including spinach, have been several outbreaks in recent years, the "culprit." Which one of the largest outbreaks of E. coli 2006 outbreak, and into the bag of spinach, causing 199 people get sick and 3 died. Escherichia coli and Salmonella infections diverse agricultural methods, animal feces into the water or soil permeability, or hand picking or packaging process infection. In most cases, the water can not wash off these dangers.
The solution:
Outer leaves of cabbage are more likely to be contaminated, therefore, remove the leaves, wash, and then for the rest.
5, bean sprouts
Risk factors:
Sprouts the most conducive environment for the growth of harmful bacteria breeding.
The solution:
The only way to ensure the safety of cooking. Experts suggest that the bean sprouts and stir-fry into the soup pot or fire.
6, raw chicken
Risk factors:
Raw chicken contains salmonella and campylobacter. The biggest risk factor is not to eat chicken, but when you are prepared to do the chicken cross infection.
The solution:
When handling raw chicken to be especially careful. Immediately after cutting through the meat, wash knives, cutting board, stove and your hand, to avoid spread of bacteria within chicken to other foods. You get the chicken on the grill outside, the plates used to get it back, eat baked chicken dish when new ones.
7, cantaloupe
Risk factors:
There are many cracks on the skin vulnerable to bacterial contamination. Cantaloupe skin that may exist within the bacteria, once the melon cut, these bacteria will go inside rang.
The solution:
Wash melons before eating can also destroy part of the bacteria, but these are not the best solution. You must carefully stored cut cantaloupe at room temperature because a large number of bacteria. Therefore, in the fridge to cut fruit.