U.S. scientists said they uncovered through a series of secret kiss of the excitement. Research shows that when couples are passionate kissing in the brain to secrete a particular chemical substances, making them feel excited, excitement and relaxation.
Some scientists have speculated that the release of the hormone may be stimulated by the saliva of the exchange of pheromones produced by the direct trigger. American professor of psychology at Lafayette College Wendy - Hill said, "This study shows that kissing is a very complex behavior, which generated a lot of hormonal changes and the resulting reactions are that we never thought of before.
Normally, we only consider kissing who, feeling how, but in fact the process of kissing many other things will happen. "Wendy would like to touch the lips from this simple behavior found in what happened in this process, could have produced such a strong emotion (emotional blog, emotional speak) reaction. Wendy handshake by the couple before and after 15 and kissing before and after analysis of the two hormones to study the relationship between hormones and kissing, the two hormones are oxytocin and examination of the factors. oxytocin is often considered socially relevant, the researchers predict it will cause kissing the level increased, but because it is a prime exam stress hormone, it will fall.
The results show that both men and women kissing will cause the exam levels fall, while the men will be elevated oxytocin, women will decline. This result is a large out of the researchers expected. However, Wendy and her research team believes that with the experimental implementation of the environment. The study was bland campus Health Center. Last year they carried out the experiment again, experimental environment with a romantic background music. Their experiments and research results will be announced shortly, which will further confirm the body kissing and close contact between the hormone levels. There are also studying other scientists the importance of first kiss. For a long time, first kiss is usually seen as the key to determining the relationship between behavior. Susan Albright Institute of American psychologists - those who adhere to this view is Hughes. Her "sex differences in romantic kissing," a book that women love to kiss as a way of future study.
Now, Wendy's found that there is a doubt that kissing behavior is caused by hormonal changes how. Obviously, the existence of which there are many psychological factors. However, researchers speculate that the presence of hormones in saliva, while the hormone is an important chemical messenger in mammals. Scientists have only started about 30 years ago to focus on this issue. In recent years, with the biochemistry and neurophysiology rapid development, as new areas of research - how emotion is generated, feeling or memory of how to stimulate emotions, how emotions affect our behavior, and so opened up the road.
The researchers also found that in terms of desire and passion, more of those hundreds of billions of nerve cells and interaction of thousands of messengers results. When the body receives signals of a kiss full of temptations, the brain's happy hormones -5-- the release of serotonin can make a person more relaxed and peaceful. At this time the cells were greatly mobilized the fuel - the production of adenosine triphosphate, but also provides the necessary energy for the body, making the heart beat faster.
United States Department of Neurology Gian Lafayette College - Jiesa further explained that in a couple's lips met before, contact the desires and expectations began to start the neurons in the brain. Stage into the kiss, touch and smell to enhance the stimulation of neurons, dopamine allows cells to produce the neurotransmitter dopamine. When the release of dopamine in the brain and spread, a sense of pleasure felt. This is why the happy couple in kissing the reason. It tasted of chocolate, or drug addicts "cigarette after a meal," the kind of experience satisfaction, the same mechanism is at work. So, a passionate kiss what would be deeply affected by it? "In good kiss, you will issue a groan, your brain will be an empty, because the speed of blood flow in blood vessels, reducing blood supply to the head. Then you can not think. "
Recently, in Berlin, Germany opened a "kiss" the Kepu Zhan, and a multimedia visitors into the tunnel to the exhibition hall, in the tunnel, people can see and hear the human body caused by kissing in an instant reaction: respiratory rate increased pulse accelerated, cell expansion, blood circulation increases, people might feel aroused. Visit is completed, visitors can also get some other knowledge. For example, according to the survey, the German daily average of two to three times to kiss, which estimated that they live to age 70, life will have about 76 days to use all the kissing. Reported that people frequently do not worry too much about kissing on the old, the face appears deep wrinkles, because people are different and lazy kiss, they kiss each will also mobilize all 34 facial muscles, which can prevent facial skin becomes lax. From a scientific point of view, a passionate kiss as the waves from the stimulus, the equivalent of 25 grams of chocolate, but will not make people fat.