The brain is an important part of the human central nervous system, the brain is the most advanced parts of the nervous system, including the telencephalon, diencephalon, midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata. For the importance of brain health naturally without elaboration. We often say that a person has no wisdom, there is no aura, in fact, just as a large part of the brain related. Only the brain is well care, have a good brain, and better health for our points.
Chinese medicine, "Brain is the House of God", the brain is the essence and a high degree of convergence between the gods, people of vision, hearing, smell, feeling, thinking, memory, etc., are due to the role of the brain, indicating that human brain is extremely important organs, where the crucial point of life.
Mental work by the brain as a tool to use to make a living brain is naturally need to protect their brains, so that my brain is healthy care. In addition, the students family, often the brain, brain injury may be, therefore, the brain is more need of health care. Therefore, the need to make health care their brains work. Brain is the key to fitness, as to what a good brain way to show you today's experts.
First, the knowledge intensive brain.
Annoying for the marrow, kidneys fine marrow. If the kidney essence is full of marrow substantial surplus, it fine for brain volume. Refined product of the law, is abstinence. Ming Zhang Jingyue famous physician, said: "good health who will ensure its fine. Jing Ying is fit, and fit the whole of God, God is the whole body health, physical health is less disease, an air of strong, healthy and strong, almost all of the fine also. "
Second, qigong strong brain.
Qigong well, can be subjective initiative into full play the role of ideas, much brain stimulate the body's self-adjusting strong function of the brain. Qigong many, many to Bunao strong power law for the purpose of the brain, specific exercises pointing to a qigong master as well.
Third, the aging of God keep the brain.
Brain possession of God, a happy and then the brain does not hurt; such as nervous tension, restless mind, God, God scattered chaos, the brain damage. Yee gods keep the brain, to be re-morality; as Huodataiduo, tranquil and desires, do not worry about the outcome, not fame, relaxed posture, helping others to help keep the brain; such as narrow-minded, always preoccupied, impassioned easy to move , causing blood and viscera of dysfunction and disease. Therefore, brain health, especially when the attention of this.
Fourth, take Bunao.
Analysis of ancient and modern brain herbs, and is usually liver or kidney, essence and blood (such as cornus, Huang, Shou Wu, configuration Qi Zi, dodder, five ignorant of the child, Chuan Du Zhong, Achyranthes, angelica, etc.), benefits vitality, live blood (such as astragalus, ginseng, salvia, etc.) mainly Huazhuo phlegm, open orifices (such as Shichangpu, Polygalaceae, Poria, Alisma, etc.), giving the clinical application of the rule when, according to the principle of differentiation, targeted to better preparation. In addition, sesame seeds, animal brain, can also be taken Sibu.
Fifth, disease prevention protecting the brain.
According to clinical reports, currently suffering from senile dementia in people over 65 years of age up to 10% and increased year by year, the study found the brain tissue of patients significantly increased the aluminum deposition layer, and often accompanied by iron deficiency anemia. Prevention of disease, may be appropriate to reduce the use of aluminum utensils, aluminum products, in particular, not long-term storage of acid or alkaline, or salty foods and dishes.
Sixth, transport refers to the benefits the brain.
Various sports are beneficial to health, but many are not direct. The calligraphy, painting, tai chi, etc. with hand and brain are connected to the common preoccupation. Hands and brain, is most closely related, our fitness ball (ie ball with two hands constantly hovering at around each other) emphasis on hand-brain coordination, with better brain function.