In men, the largest group is the married man. But now, this group faces "Aphasia" crisis. United States Rhode Island psychiatrist Scott? Heroism study found that married men will become silent.
After marriage, women in everyday conversation, an average of 7,000 words per day, 5 tone, while men use only 2,000 words, 3 tone. Emotional expression is not sufficient, but also a man married the main cause of the pressure to upgrade. "Although there are biological differences, but married men reticent, perhaps every couple must face the real problem."
Shanghai Industry Association, WANG Yu psychological counseling such as that after the wedding, when the passion of people from the collision of love into the mundane routine of life, it will not say too many words to take care of each other's feelings.
For men, no more sweet, gracious greeting. "Despite the exchange of less, but the marriage was brought to men the benefits can not be replaced --- make more money, more peaceful state of mind, better health." Heroism that is why more men and women must face communication.
Therefore, Heroism proposed marriage "Aphasia" of men: first, do not communicate as a woman's problem, men also have responsibilities; second, the wife of a man obliged to accept; third, the way women try to to resolve disputes, to listen to their nagging, also said his own mind.