
Easier for people touched for the very tight

In the story of all times, "a hero to save the United States," the plot is always ultimately, the Roman poet Ovid is suggesting that young people will be the ideal person to date to the arena. Flaring risk seems to make people love sparks, this is why?

Arthur Allen, the famous psychologist has done emotional a classic experiment, a beautiful woman he wants as a research assistant to do some college boys in the stories of a small experiment, the experimental sites were selected in a quiet park, and the risk of low stone bridge on the suspension bridge. Investigation, the beautiful assistant to leave their contact information for each boy. It is interesting: in comparison with the other two groups, participation in dangerous experiments on the bridge of the boys called her the most, they are also more stories compiled by the color of love.

The researchers believe that arouse people's emotions, including physical (blush) and reflects the interpretation of this body (I'm trembling of the hands in the examination room because he was nervous) in two parts, one to experience emotions, may not necessarily be true experiences, and Now the state is to evoke the physiological explanation. Suspension bridge, such as heart beats faster but slower on the boys, shortness of breath may have been scared of the danger, and they interpreted as a result of investigators charm.

So, love the cause of women and men have not yet participated in a number of relatively successful dangerous or stimulating activities (such as a roller coaster) allows feelings warming. Of course, to 抱得美人归, provided that you have to have a wrong understanding of people's capital.

