We have a lot of nutrients in vivo, but there are a lot of garbage. That is why we often detoxification why. Our bodies, when carrying out metabolism will have a lot of "toxic waste" and, as we now live in this environment, we are often not clean from substances containing more or less air in the inhalation of harmful particles , there are toxic gases.
Although the human body have a certain ability to automatically remove toxins, but when the body of waste too much time saving Xu Du, or the detoxification of the body, when weakened sewage, toxic waste in our bodies can not be discharged from time to affect our health, the most common phenomenon is the face of acne or constipation, and a serious point, I do not say that everyone knows.
Given this situation, Xiao Bian today can give you about 8 kinds of food detoxification, so in your daily diet can not only absorb the nutrients the body needs, you can also rid the body of toxins, sweep away the rubbish in your body let your whole body relaxed, no pain, no disease.
1. Green leafy vegetables, leafy greens in the more alkaline, and in the diet can be sugar, meat, eggs and produced too much metabolic acid that maintain the alkaline body fluids, which remove toxic blood. Vegetables Vegetables optional radish leaves, cabbage, rape leaves, spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage and so on.
2. Coarse grains, eat sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, buckwheat and other grains helps to maintain the smooth stool, so that will not poison the body a long time lag intestine. Coarse grain contains many refined grains (or processed foods) the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. These nutrients help to regulate the environment within the stomach, easily absorbed by the body and improve immune function in disease resistance.
3. Wine heart health benefits of wine drinking. It is rich in citric acid, also an alkaline beverage, which is one of many alcoholic beverages do not have. Have reported that drinking wine can prevent and correct the acidosis, as well as diuretic detoxification. In recent years, see also the effectiveness for the treatment of gout.
4. Tempeh study found that eating tempeh helps digestion, boost brain power and improve the ability of the liver detoxification effect. Can promote the body metabolism, blood toxins from the blood cleansing. In addition, tempeh is also rich in urokinase to dissolve blood clots, containing a large number of B vitamins and antibiotics, can prevent dementia.
5. Optional fresh fruit or fruit juice of lemon, orange, grapefruit, grapes, sugar cane juice, plums, apples, tomatoes and so on. Although mostly sour fruit flavor, but the metabolic process in the body can become alkaline, and allows the blood to maintain alkaline. In particular, they can accumulate the toxins in the cells, "soluble" and eventually excreted by the excretory system.
6. Green tea, green tea, there are many detoxification factors, they are vulnerable and the combination of toxic substances in the blood, and accelerated discharge from the urine. Regular tea drinking can prevent cancer and blood cholesterol. Nicotine smokers to drink green tea reduce the damage. 7. Kelp and seaweed which contains a lot of gum. To purge the body to promote the radioactive poison excreted along with feces. When cancer patients receiving chemotherapy is beneficial to eat seaweed. They are of alkaline food, purify the blood effect. Eat kelp and seaweed to reduce the incidence of cancer.
8. Black fungus black fungus can inhibit platelet aggregation, can reduce cholesterol, cardiovascular disease benefit. Black fungus in the gum, will be left in the human digestive system contribute to the absorption and accumulation of dust and impurities from the body, purify the gastrointestinal.